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Financing Available at

Consumer Financing: has partnered with to provide consumer financing for any local purchases in our store of $1000 or more. We are able to offer many options including:

  • Terms up to 5 years
  • 3, 6, and 12 month deferred payments
  • Payment protection plans
  • 60 Second Approvals for loans up to $5000
  • Plus many other options.
  • OAC
  • Please note that due to industry regulations you have to physically come to our store to finance a purchase.  Due to regulations we have to verify identification in person.

If you are interested in finding out more information please contact our sales team at or give us a call. To apply for credit and get pre-approved please click here.

All credit products are subject to a credit bureau check. has no influence on the decision of any application's credit worthiness.

Commercial Financing: offers leasing options via third party providers for commercial equipment. This is available for businesses only.

How does it work?

You fill out an application with a third party leasing company. Once a positive decision is received they will contact you to sign lease documents. Once the documents are signed will deliver the goods. You will make payments to the leasing company. has no influence over the credit decisions made by the lending company.

How long are the leasing terms?

Our leasing company provides 24, 36, 48 and 60 month terms but this depends on your credit and will be decided by the leasing company.

Will I own the goods after the lease?

The most common type of lease can more or less be considered financing. After your lease term you will have the option to purchase the goods for either $10, FMV (Fair Market Value) or 10% of the original value. This depends on the type of lease that you choose.

What are the benefits of leasing?

Cash Flow - instead of laying out a large sum of money up front you pay a monthly fee which will free up your cash flow.

Tax benefits - leasing allows you to expense lease payments rather than depreciate the equipment. Debt to equity ratios are also unaffected as the equipment does not appear on the balance sheet. You also spread the HST burden over a longer period of time.

Protection against inflation
- Inflation is a fact of life. You purchase the equipment using today's dollars and incrementally pay it off using tomorrows inflated dollars.

Leasing doesn't effect your other credit facilities
- this again related to cash flow. If you have a business line of credit you can keep it in case an oppurtunity arrises. A business can never have too much cash.

How do I Apply?

If you would like to get an instant quote please follow this link and visit our preferred lender Questor Financial. Or if you have any questions contact our sales team.